Monthly Archives: November 2020

Addison Duda

Addison started working with us part-time during his senior year at Hope College in 2018.  When he graduated in 2019, he also graduated to full-time work.  Since then, he has grown to become an amazing lab contributor.  By the end of his time at our lab this August, he would routinely be running several concurrent syntheses in different hoods and his lab notebooks will be held up as examples for students to come.  Addison, we miss you, your hard work, and your fun personality.  Enjoy your PhD studies at Duke University.

Anthony Porath

Anthony came to us from Alma College as a summer intern in 2017.  He graduated in 2018 and returned full-time that May.  This August he left as a PhD candidate at Wayne State University.  In between, he endured many oral and poster presentations, three summers mentoring interns, one lab relocation, and a pandemic.  All of that while doing mountains of research into synthesis of compounds for electrochemical applications.  Anthony, we appreciate EVERYTHING you have done and believe me, your success at Wayne State is assured!