Isabelle Zelaya joined us this summer from the University of Michigan. She is starting her senior undergraduate year this fall studying Chemistry. Izzy’s curiosity was a pleasure to have in the lab.
Synthesis and UV/Vis Analysis of Linked Donor-Acceptor Compounds
Isabele Zelaya, Dr. Thomas F. Guarr
Our group has prepared a variety of molecules containing electron donors covalently linked to electron acceptors (DA compounds) for redox flow battery applications. Beyond their use in energy storage, these DA compounds were expected to have interesting spectroscopic properties. It was expected that photoinduced electron transfer from the donor to the acceptor would produce spectroscopic peaks not present in the isolated donor and acceptor compounds. By comparing the UV-Vis spectra of the individual donors and acceptors to the DA compounds, it is theoretically possible to subtract out the signature of the donor and acceptor, leaving only this charge transfer band. Such bands have proven elusive in molecules with flexible, saturated linkers, which have been the most widely investigated type. The synthesis and study of some systems with more rigid, conjugated linkers will also be presented. Systems with longer flexible saturated linkers, which may allow pi-pi interaction between donor and acceptor groups, are also proposed.

Thanks for spending the summer with us, Izzy. Enjoy your senior year and keep in touch. We are curious to see what your future holds.