Brittney Duford

Over the next few weeks we will be highlighting our summer interns.  We had a great summer and we want to thank those that joined us and highlight their accomplishments.

Brittney is a (sophomore!) Chemical Engineering student at Michigan Technological University.  She was very busy this summer synthesizing lots of compounds.

Synthesis of phenylene-bridged bispyridine derivatives

Brittney Duford, Shane Mann, Nick Mortimer, Dr. Thomas Guarr

Numerous substituted phenylene-bridged bispyridine derivatives were synthesized as a method of improving solubility and electroactivity of compounds prepared from these materials. Such compounds are used as redox-active materials in redox flow batteries. Redox flow batteries show promise to better our ability to store large amounts of energy, as long as the compounds within the battery’s electrolyte solution are stable, have high energy densities, and maintain low production costs. Improved solubility and electroactivity was achieved by adding methyl substituents to the phenyl group and changing the orientation of the pyridine groups in relation to each other. Five different derivatives were synthesized via a double Suzuki coupling process followed by N-methylation. Each was characterized by NMR and cyclic voltammetry. Characterization showed increased solubility and better electroactivity for some derivatives. The improved derivatives will be incorporated into linked systems previously developed for electrolyte solutions in redox flow batteries. The linked systems will then be compared to previous linked systems and tested for stability.

Brittney is returning to MTU this fall.  Thanks for joining us and thanks for working so hard this summer.  Your future is bright.  Stay warm in Houghton!